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 The  Need

Plants, industrial parks,municipalities and other types of institutions each have a unique set of underground and overhead infrastructure system (water, sewage, electricity, telecommunications, gas, etc.).

Infrastructure records are often being stored in various formats as clusters of old and new paper maps, digital drawings and plans, and are commonly scattered in different locations. As a result, highly crucial information is often not being properly updated, communicated and stored. Professionals are often having a hard time retrieving important details. This may turn into a real issue under a tight time frame. 

Infrastructure data is invaluable to management and authorities, and has to be organized in a comprehensive system. At that point Marom's experience and knowledge come into play. 

The Solution

Marom compiles your company's various geographical data into an Integrated Infrastructure Management System. The tool displays the data in a clear, intuitive manner and allows professionals from different areas of the organization to quickly retrieve and interpret the data.

We make your data work for you, so you can focus on doing your job and stay ahead of the curve.

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כל הזכויות שמורות למרום פתרונות מיפוי ותיעוד בע''מ. עוצב ע''י Dax Designs. תוכנת ע''י יבגני. All Rights Reserved to Marom Mapping Solutions LTD